COVID STATUS: Wellcome Care Homes Ltd
Wellcome Care Homes are very aware of Covid-19 and the risk it brings to our residents. We maintain a high quality infection prevention and control (IPC) regime. The majority of our staff have received both doses of the vaccination to protect from SARS COV-2 virus with most of the residents either having had one or both injections. We will continue to update our policy and procedures to combat change in public health needs taking into account of any local or national restrictions and government guidance.
We at Wellcome Care Homes continue to put residents’ physical and mental well-being at its forefront. We appreciate that the past year has not been easy for any of us, we had no choice but to take all necessary precautions to protect both our residents and staff especially with various mutations of the virus meaning we had to suspend all family visits. Professional indoor visits were limited and many, where possible, were conducted by electronic face to face meetings.
Following the announcement by the Welsh Government to begin easing the current lockdown restrictions we have evaluated our operational risks. Though the government guidance now permits indoor visits with one named designated visitor per resident, we have chosen to adopt a more cautious approach. We will therefore facilitate visiting in our dedicated visitor centre located in our side garden with some restrictions. This is aimed at keeping the footfall into the home to absolute minimum, thus reducing the risks for the benefit of everyone, most importantly our residents.
We wish to extend our thanks to everyone who supported our efforts during these difficult times, for their patience, understanding and support. Whilst visiting remains suspended until 1 April 2021 we will continue to make improvements to our visitor centre which will benefit our residents beyond the pandemic and lends itself for better use in all seasons and situations.
As part of our infection prevention measures, all family and professional visitors are required to undertake a rapid Lateral Flow Device (LFD) test. Visit will only be permitted once a negative result is obtained. There are exceptions to this rule in certain circumstances such as emergency medical personnel (paramedics, ambulance or fire crew) or when visiting a resident during end of life care.
Family visitors and those professionals who wish to conduct non-urgent routine visits are required to complete our pre-visit screen questionnaire before each visit.
Visiting is permitted subject to the visitor abiding by our visitor policy and special terms and conditions aimed at protecting people. You will be asked to complete the pre-visit Screening Questionnaire to enable us to assess the risks on the day of your visit. You will also be asked to sign a Visitor Agreement and LFD Test Consent Form.
District Nurses, Doctors and other health professionals may enter the premises upon production of their ID, evidence of an LFD negative test results (test undertaken within 4 days) or confirmation of routine testing regime and wearing your own appropriate PPE. We will provide any additional PPE as required. Please ensure staff escort you to see your patient/resident by the shortest route possible to minimise contact with others.
Visiting Family Members and Friends will only be permitted to visit if they adhere to our strict terms and control protocols.
- We continue to encourage the use of WhatsApp or Facetime video chat facilities to supplement or reduce the need for face-to-face meetings.
- In the event of an outbreak at the home or in the vicinity or a resident becoming symptomatic, we will take appropriate measures in consultation with Public Health Wales, and all visiting will be suspended.
We will do everything possible in our power to protect our workforce and the people in our care.
Families are encouraged to make use of digital technology to communicate with their loved ones in addition to visiting in person. We recommend WhatsApp or Facetime.
Telephone the manager or person in charge of shift in advance to book a time slot during off peak times (11.00 am-12.00 am and 2.30pm and 4.00pm). We will initiate all calls at the appointed times. Contact details for the care homes can be found here