Tre-Celyn Court, Newport

Tre-Celyn Court
New Bryngwyn Road
NP11 4NF

Tel: 01495 246622

Admission enquiry

About us

Further information about Try-Celyn Court will be avaliable very soon.

Philosophy of Care

Further information about Try-Celyn Court will be avaliable very soon.

Local Authority Funded Fees

Our Fees for 2024/2025 are

£946.68 for EMI (includes £75.00 top up) for Residential Care

£946.68 for EMI (includes £75.00 top up) for EMI Residential Care

Privately Funded Fees

Our Fees for 2024/2025 from 01/05/24 are

£1233.12 per week for Residential Care

£1356.43 per week for EMI Residential Care

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind our privately funded clients of their entitlement to attendance allowance. The funding threshold is currently £50,000. This capital limit determines whether a person pays their entire assessed care costs or whether they receive financial support towards the cost from their local authority.

Try-Celyn Court
New Bryngwyn Road
NP11 4NF


Tel: 01495 243540